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Episode 121: Handling Symptoms of Perimenopause and Menopause with Dr. Stephanie Young Moss

Brief summary of show:

In this episode, Dr. Stephanie Young Moss joins me to discuss handling symptoms of perimenopause and the transition into menopause.

Dr. Stephanie Young Moss received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy and a Masters of Health Services Administration with a concentration in Health Economics from The University of Wyoming. She has worked in various areas in pharmacy, Community, Regulatory Compliance, Managed Care, and Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Over the past 20 years Dr. Moss has advocated for decreasing disparities in health care through her volunteer work. She has used her platform to educate families across the U.S. on ways to decrease and eliminate health disparities by incorporating simple wellness and mental health techniques. Dr. Moss has shared her views on international and national podcasts and local television news stations.

Dr. Stephanie is the creator of the websites and where you will find practical health and wellness tips, ways to reduce healthcare disparities and tools, tips and resources for women experiencing perimenopause and menopause. She has a community of over 100,000 people on social media.

She is also the owner of Integrative Pharmacy Outcomes and Consulting, which focuses on educating underserved communities on ways to reduce and prevent health disparities.

For nearly 2 decades, Dr. Stephanie has served on various boards and volunteer organizations that focus on health equity, decreasing implicit bias, addressing social determinants of health and empowering communities to advocate for their health. She has served on the boards for The Minority Health Coalition of Marion County and Eskenazi Health Center where she has served as the Clinical Quality Committee Chair, Board Secretary and is currently the Board Treasurer. She resides in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Listen in as we talk about:

  • [2:10] Redefining menopause

  • [3:15] The waiting game between having your period and going through menopause

  • [4:30] What is perimenopause

  • [4:55] Typical age ranges for perimenopause

  • [6:40] Symptoms of menopause

  • [8:55] Looking at the natural side of health

  • [9:25] How to know where you're at in the menopause cycle

  • [10:55] What to do at the beginning signs of perimenopause

  • [17:55] Why we need Hepatitis B shots

  • [20:05] The transition between perimenopause and menopause

Notes from Natalie:

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View Transcript for this Episode

Natalie: Hi everyone, it's Natalie. I hope your summer has been as relaxing and fun as mine, and maybe even more so. Today I have a special guest who's dedicated to empowering women and revolutionizing their health journey. Joining me is Dr. Stephanie Young Moss, a passionate pharmacist with a wealth of knowledge on women's health and an advocate for embracing life.

Beyond menopause. Dr. Stephanie received her doctor of pharmacy degree from Xavier, university of Louisiana College of Pharmacy, and a Master's of Health Services Administration with a concentration in health economics from the University of Wyoming. She's not a traditional pharmacist though For 20 years she's been focused on managed care, health, economics and outcomes research, and also health equity menopause.

That's a word that often evokes apprehension and uncertainty. But Dr. Stephanie is here to challenge those perceptions. We're gonna delve into the transformative power of menopause and the beginning stages called perimenopause. And if you're like me for many years, maybe you've been thinking. That's not me.

I'm so young, but think again because perimenopause can actually start in your thirties. Would you know if those symptoms started? I'd love for you to just take a minute to check out my website. It's natalie and if you hear anything that you want more information on in this podcast, be sure to go to the show notes for links.

Let's get started today with Dr. Stephanie.

Dr. Stephanie, I know you're a pharmacist. You're passionate about health and especially about helping women, so let's get right into

that dreaded word menopause.

Stephanie: Well, I don't want people to feel as though it can be a dread or a drag, and that's really part of my mission, is to let women know that life does not end with their period, and that you still can live a colorful, wonderful life after that.

So that's one of our main things is because we have been taught right, that it's, um, dreadful. And don't get me wrong, some of the symptoms can be. You know, pretty bad for some people, but I just wanna make sure people are able to know that it's also a great thing because you are still alive too, right? So, well that's, you made it to

Natalie: menopause.

You know what, glass half full here. Okay. Because Exactly. You made it to menopause. And there are, I mean, I obviously, we don't have to deal with the periods any longer once we get there. So that's a bonus. If we're looking at last half, that is a big fault. But I think for a lot of women it's, it's, Everything leading up to it and the unknown.

Mm-hmm. So, you know, maybe the periods get less frequent or for some people, um, it's weight gain or hot flashes. Mm-hmm. But let's, let's kind of draw back because

if women are like me, you're like, ah, that's a long way down the road that's gonna happen so far. And then as these little things start to happen, like the weight gain or the energy loss, you don't always know that's what's happening in your life.

Exactly. And that's why you feel so crummy.

Stephanie: Right, and what I like to call it is waiting, like we we're waiting for the hot flash to occur. But typically that's not some of the first things that you're, you'll see because that's all that we see is a woman fanning herself because she's hot, right? Because, and that's all you hear about someone sweating, but typically, A lot of times, you know, I read in a study that what you usually see first are some of the mental, um, signs.

Like you may have anxiety or depression that may increase, especially if you have a history of it. But even if you don't, some people can have new onset as well. So it's important to look at all the signs. Uh, for me, I believe it was some of the, uh, mental things, but then it was also like heart palpitations and I never would've thought that that was a sign or a symptom of.

Uh, perimenopause rather well. And just for, you know, the record of case someone doesn't know, perimenopause just means around menopause. So it's that period before you are, uh, into menopause. And menopause is when you have not had a cycle for at least 12 months and one day.

So perimenopause is that time before when you start getting all the symptoms, when your cycle starts acting differently.

And it can last anywhere from four to 10 years. Four

Natalie: to 10 years. So that's a yes. Mm-hmm. That we often hear menopause and we don't even stop to then talk about or think about. Mm-hmm. The Perry is where the, like the real stuff happens, where your life is changing. Mm-hmm. Exactly. And you have to adapt to it.

So give us an idea of people are waiting as we know, longer and longer to settle down and then think about having kids. Mm-hmm. So give us the age range that typically people would hit perimenopause and what's the youngest. That you

Stephanie: find? Well, okay. Well, for per the average, I won't say average age, but perimenopause can start anywhere from mid to late thirties all the way up until 50.

So everyone's different. Some people may start seeing signs and symptoms in their late thirties, and then some may not even have that sign of first sign and symptom until they're 50 years old. So it's just kind of a big range, and that's why it's. Really important to look at the signs and symptoms and to know your body and kind of see what's happening and if anything is changing.

Um, so that's the, uh, the biggest thing is, um, um, that it can start then. So you gotta think about it. Some people, you know, I think my last job, I believe I was 36, I think I was, could have been 37, but, um, you know, that was, that was mine. But people start to have signs and symptoms in. Now, it does not mean that you can't get pregnant.

So a lot of people think, you know, well, my cycle is sporadic. I haven't had it in a couple of months. Well, you may not have it for nine months if you're not careful.

Natalie: Paramount pause does not mean no pregnancy.

Stephanie: Exactly right, because if you're still having a cycle, then you're still releasing eggs. You're ovulating means you can still write, you ring, you.

Still can get pregnant. So people need to be, you know, aware of that just because you're having signs and symptoms, you still can possibly get pregnant. But

Natalie: yeah. So for someone who say they hit 40 and they're like, now I'm ready to have a baby. Okay, well you might start having these perimenopause symptoms, but you do get pregnant.

Then you can find yourself with a toddler in menopause talk two difficult times of life.

Stephanie: Exactly.

Natalie: So let's. Talk a little bit more about handling the symptoms. Mm-hmm. So, and, and finding out where you are. Um, not all doctors, but some might say, let's, let's test and see. Mm-hmm. What would you be testing for mm-hmm.

And what might that look like if you, if you feel like I'm not myself, maybe this is what I'm going through. What would you suggest women do and talk to their doctor

Stephanie: about? Well, I would say first, you know, talk to your ob gyn, um, if you, uh, if you can, and sometimes I'm gonna be honest, they don't always have the answers.

Um, you have to think about it. They are delivering babies, which is already a very hard and intensive task that you need to make sure that you're up to date on everything new with that correct and all the signs and symptoms and things that may go, that could happen with delivery of babies and taking care of when you are pregnant.

So they may not be experts in menopause. So it's really up to you to find that person. Who is, you know, it could be a nurse, it could be a pharmacist, it could be a doctor who specializes in that type of medicine. Um, for instance, my doctor, she was an ob, G y n, she delivered both of my kids. Um, however, recently she has changed.

Uh, she does, she doesn't deliver babies anymore. She's gone into more of the, um, aging, I guess. Uh, population, uh, and menopausal women because her population has gone that way. Everyone's had babies now, and now she's moved with their clients. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And I think that's really smart to do because, you know, now we're coming to her like, I'm hot, I'm having heart palpitations.

Mm-hmm. And I don't know what to do. Mm-hmm. So, mm-hmm. So she has to learn about that. Um, but so it's just important to ask, you know, ask questions and if they can't give you the answer, Or they don't know, or if they don't wanna take the time to learn, then it may be time to ask around it for, you know, for new, um, recommendations or new, uh, a second opinion or rather, uh, would be very important.

Natalie: I love it that you say that because as a reporter and for many years of my news career, I covered health news and I always would stop and think. And now in this second stage of my life, I tell people like, if you don't feel like you're not, if you don't feel like you're getting the answers, don't stop and stay with that same, or don't stay with that same person.

Exactly. Get the answers. Exactly. Mm-hmm. I see it. Um, An integrative health specialist and a doctor

now mm-hmm. Where they mm-hmm. They look at natural things. They, they look at the drugs, but my general care integrative doctor mm-hmm. Uh, does test to blood tests to see all these different things, and they've, they've been able to tell me, not quite there.

You're still here. Mm-hmm. But, Things are changing. Yeah. And it's so good to have that information. Knowledge is power, right? Mm-hmm. It is when we actually know,

Stephanie: and that I'm glad you, you know, mentioned that because you did ask me about, um, what can you do.

Mm-hmm. So you can do testing, um, or you can just look at your signs and symptoms too.

So most people can be diagnosed just by the signs and symptoms, and there are so many. Some people may just have a hot flash, some people may have hot flashes and night sweats. And then some people have the gambit of things where they have hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, oc d. They may, uh, they may, uh, have itchy dry skin.

Their hair may be getting thin. I mean, it's just, it's a bunch of different things. So everyone's different and, um, use it typically. Actually, I have a, a. A checklist on my website that's free, that can kinda help you go through some of those signs and symptoms. You can check them off and take that information with you to your healthcare provider to kind of talk to 'em about it.

But u usually they can diagnose you by the signs and symptoms, and especially if your psycho is acting wacky or weird. So it could be short, it could be a lot heavier, it could be skipping, it could be getting closer together. So is any cycle changes is typically when your hormones are doing a little bit different thing, however, You can get a hormone panel done where they look at your different, you know, fs, your, uh, estrogen, your testosterone, they and your, uh, progesterone.

They look at all those things to see kinda where you are. The issue with that, um, is that your hormones fluctuate during perimenopause. Mm-hmm. So one month you may go, one week you may go and they're high. The next week he may go, they may be lower. So, that's why some people say that it's just not necessary to get.

Panel testing and I actually, I will say I did, you know, I got testing for myself, so you know, I wanted to know, but a lot of times they can just tell by your signs and symptoms too.


Natalie: what can someone do if they're, you know, they think they are in perimenopause, the beginning stages. Mm-hmm. They feel like crap.

They're, you know, again, like one of the first things you hear women complain about is, I'm gaining weight and I haven't doing it. I'm not doing anything different. Right. I'm working out and I can't drop these, those frustrating things. Mm-hmm. Is there anything they can do on their own? in these beginning stages to try to, just feel better.

Are there some vitamins they can take? You're the pharmacist. Mm-hmm. So work out more. Like that's the frustrating thing for me. Yeah. It's like I'm, I'm doing everything the same, but things are changing and working out's really not making a difference.

Stephanie: And that's So you just wanna do something. You do. But the thing is, yeah.

You know, we can't do everything the same. So it may be a diff cuz it doesn't work like it used to. Our bodies don't work like they used to. Mm-hmm. You don't digest foods the same way that we used to. There may be certain foods that you may need to adjust or add, you know, take out or add into your diet.

Right. So you, you need to really think about that as well. So for me personally, and I would talk about vitamins as well, that I personally take. Um, but there are some things that, um, you can do as far as naturally with your. With your food, whether it's adding in, uh, foods that, that are high, uh, that are phytoestrogen, which means they are higher in, uh, they act like estrogen in the body, which are your, uh, soy, your, uh, flax seeded, your, um, AMI, Uh, sesame seed as well. Uh, so those types of things are actually phy s estrogens that's helpful. And they act like estrogen in the body. But of course I always say everyone's health history is different. So makes sure you talk to your healthcare provider before you add any these things as well.

Yeah, so you can do those types of things, or you may want to change, uh, the type of exercising that you're doing or how frequently you do it. I'm not saying that you need to exercise all day, but you just need to realize, okay, I'm doing, you know, are you doing things like strength training? Right? Mm-hmm. I think strength training and building your muscle is always important.

Cause that helps as well. And then what types of food are you, what foods are affecting you differently? So keep a food journal and food diary and see like for instance, things like spicy foods, caffeine and sugars. They all will increase. They can increase your hot flashes. So, and, and alcohol.

So all the great things, hot food, alcohol, sugar, all of those things, they actually will increase it. So you need to just, I'm not saying don't eat them or don't drink them, but you need to be mindful that, okay, I had a glass of wine or two tonight, I just need to be prepared that I could possibly have a night sweat tonight.

So they increase night sweats and hot flashes. Um, so I just need to be kind of aware of that and, um, that will actually. Um, just kept you be mindful of what you're doing, right. yeah, besides that, um, I think that, you know, some important vitamins that I actually take. Of course I take, you know, iron and the multivitamin.

That just helps with overall health and wellness for me. And I just do iron because when I was, uh, my cycle was so heavy when I first started with perimenopause that, that really, people don't understand the importance of iron and how important it is for your heart health. Mm-hmm. And your hair, your skin, like all those things.

It's really important for your red blood cells. Right. So that's important to me. And then also, um, uh, vitamin D uh, which is important for your mental health to mm-hmm. Magnesium, which has diff various, um, uh, various causes which can help you with sleep. It can also help you with your muscles, um, and things of that nature.

And also your digestive system, we can help with that as well. Uh, vitamin E is always good to have an antioxidant of course. Um, and then also omega-3 oils. Those are really good too. Um, when it comes to luing up the body inside and out, cuz of course we know some of those things. You dry out everywhere, you know, when you're perimenopause and menopause.

So that really helps lubricate with your joints and everything else. Yeah. Um, is so important. Then also with your heart health too. So those are just some of the basic ones that I, uh, that I would, you know, mention when it comes to some of things. Just a few little

Natalie: things you just mentioned. If, if you can't remember all those, Things, we'll, we'll have some things in the show notes.

Says just a few that will help cause that just a few. Cause what I'm, what I'm thinking as a busy mom mm-hmm. With, you know, two jobs. I got the podcast I'm teaching now. I got kids in different parts of the country like, the hard thing is that this hits often when we're at our busiest. I mean, doesn't it always when rains of pores, when we're at our busiest, we are chasing kids and we are, you know, we're not slowing down and yet our bodies are slowing down.

That's true. And we don't know why. Man, I had what I think was a panic attack. I've never experienced that before. Yeah. And it's anxiety. My heart's racing. Mm-hmm. It's, and we start, as women, we blame ourselves. Mm-hmm. And we go, what's wrong with me? Why am I doing this? When it's, you have to give yourself a break.

Like this is your body. Yeah. And your body needs support. All those things you just mentioned. And if we don't put those things first, we're gonna have a hard time dealing with the kids across the country and the job and all of those things. That's true.

Stephanie: Mm-hmm. It is. Yes. That's important to put yourself first too, right?

I mean, I know, of course we'll take care, care of our kids and they're gonna be, you know, priority and we're always making sure that they're always taken care of. We know their short records. We know what they've taken, what they've done, what sport activity is coming up next month. We know all of that, but we don't take care of our health first and we don't take care of our own health.

And recognize things are different, then we really can't take care of them. So, you know, some people may say, well, you know, my kids are a priority. Yeah. But you, if you are not taking care of your health is not a priority, then you can't take care of your kids' health. Yeah. So you need to make sure that you're also taking care of your, your own health as well.

Yeah. And I like

Natalie: to say, I'm really glad that you mentioned that, that what example are you setting for your kids? When they are older, if you're not doing those things for yourself, we're only teaching our kids to take care of everybody else and not ourselves. Not to be selfish. Mm-hmm. But to, if you know, okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna say this because I need to do it myself.

If you know your kids' sports schedule, like you just said, you should know what's going on in your body. Exactly. You should know. You should know where your levels are. You should know and stop and say, wait a minute, I know everybody else's schedule, but I don't even know what's going on in my body.

Exactly. Like compare those two things and be sure you're you're

Stephanie: doing both equally. Exactly. Like even when you're taking them to get their, their physicals or their, you know, their sports physicals or their, uh, annual, if they have vaccinations or whatever, we have their schedule on our phone written out.

And even today, for example, for myself, I'm going on a trip. I need a certain vaccine. I don't have my shot record. Because I grew up in a whole nother state. Mm-hmm. And I was like, uh, I don't know if I've had, you know, this shot. Let me check in. How can I check and see? So like, well, we can give you ATI test to see if you've had this, you know, before.

But like, we need to be able to keep up with our own vaccines too. What have you taken? What are you up for? What, not just your vaccines, but also your, your annuals. Are you going to the doctor when you're supposed to and getting your, your checkups? And so speaking of vaccines, there is, uh, the cdc, they have certain vaccines that they recommend for people of a certain age, and so they just put, the hepatitis B vaccine on the list.

So if you are between, um, the ages of 19 and 59, they recommend that you actually get a new Hepatitis B vaccine because it

Natalie: was, tell me about that.

Tell me why and what we would face. If we got hepatitis B, why we need that. Okay. That's not something that I grew up thinking or knowing, or even that my doctor here in Colorado has told me I need,

Stephanie: right?

So with Hepatitis B, it is a viral infection that attacks the liver, and there's about 2.5 million people in the United States that actually has it. And it's not curable. It's only preventable by getting the vaccine. And so CDC has recommended. That if you're between the ages of 19 50, 19 and 59, that you get this.

And the reason being is because all of our kids already have it because the rule was set in 1991 that if you're, when you're born, you have to get it when you're born. But. Anyone before that, it was not required for you to get it. I had,

Natalie: so it's on the list that our kids would have to go to school, college, yes.

All of that. Exactly. But you and I fall into the generation where we didn't need that when we were young.

Stephanie: Mm-hmm. Yes, exactly. You didn't need it young. Or if you did get it, it may be time for you to get it again. Exactly. You know, during that time as well. Yeah. So, but typically, if you've had a, if you've had an update on your Hepatitis B vaccine, you would know it.

But most of us either have not had it or we had it when we were very, very, very young. Very young. How,

Natalie: how is it contracted?

Stephanie: Uh, it's contracted through body fluids, uh, typically through bodily fluids. So it's just important to be able to, um, um, just protect yourself. Right? Yeah. When it comes to, hepatitis B in general, so.

You know, people say, well, you know, I protect myself or your kids. They're, they have the vaccine too. Right? So if, if it's important for them to have that vaccine, that vaccine at that age, it's important for us to as well. Yeah. So anyone before born, born before 1991 may be, uh, being unprotected from Hepatitis B.

Good. So it's important to have good information. Mm-hmm. Thank you. And I think, um, another very important thing to remember is that it is a hundred times more, infectious than h I v. So a lot of people, you know, we hear about HIV all the time, but we don't really talk about Hepatitis B. Yeah. And why cuz it, it caused you to have to have a liver transplant.

You may have liver failure. All of those things could possibly happen if you're not. Uh, if you do contract it, if you weren't protected from it. So it's really important to have Well, good reminder

Natalie: overall on vaccines as you mentioned. Thank you. And, and, and the bigger, the bigger picture of find out what you've had.

Mm-hmm. Find out what you need, see your doctor.

But let's, let's talk, we talked about perimenopause, so once you go through the couple of years of that, that's the really yucky did, did things like. Start then to level out. Do you get then, you know, to that next stage you're like, okay, the hot flash has stopped and now I just don't have a period or, or does it

Stephanie: continue forever?

Well, some people do. Some people do. But the thing is some people have it. Uh, some people will level out. But then I know people who are seventies and eighties who still have hot flashes. So everyone is different. You know, some people may decide, you know, to supplement with, uh, hormone replacement therapy and some people may not.

But there are, there is. It's just like when your body gets used to a certain thing, like you're used to a certain temperature or used to be in a certain way, it can level out, but you don't really know how long it's gonna take or when it's gonna be man. But, um, you know, people fail to realize that estrogen is actually, protective for your body.

So there are people who have, may have had, hysterectomies. You know, in their thirties and forties and they didn't get on estrogen. Estrogen actually protects you because it's cardioprotective, it protects you from, uh, diseases like obesity and heart disease because the receptors are all over the body.

So that's why you see so many different side effects of, or side effects, not side effects, but symptoms mm-hmm. Of per menopausal when your estrogen starts to go down because they're all over the body and people don't really realize that. So

Natalie: are there, I know there are different forms and I think for people who think like I did for so long, this is when you get old, I'm not gonna have to deal with this, but Right.

are there different ways we can deal with this? Like, I hear people talk about the pellets that they have put under their arm or the, the pills, the natural versus the not natural, like mm-hmm. What's most popular and, what would you tell, where would you tell people

Stephanie: to start? Well, I think for most people, um, well, to be honest, what's most popular for most people is not to do anything because people were so afraid to take hormone replacement therapies.

Mm. But it's, I think it's up to the individual to decide what's best for them. Because there were so many studies in the day that did not, first of all, they were using synthetic hormones. They were using older adults who were probably over the age of 60, I believe, or 65. So, um, they, that's when they started them.

So it's typically good to have it like after, uh, within the first 10 years after your cycle has ended. That's, that's optimal age. But they're actually now have, Hormones that actually look and act just like the, the hormones that are in your body. And those are, you can, they're cheaper. You can get the prescription from your doctor, you can get those as well.

Um, so that is, you know, one way to look at it. but most people won't, you know, won't do anything and they'll just deal and suffer with it because they're afraid. Or if they're not, just cuz they're afraid, they're not, also not educated about it. Because their doctors don't know about it. Their mom didn't do it, so she didn't tell them about it.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So they're just not educated about it. So I tell everyone just to look and talk to your healthcare provider about your different options, what you can do, cuz there are natural things that you can do too. Mm-hmm. There are some, uh, supplements and things that you can say herbs and herbs and things that you can take as well, um, that are natural.

but I would say that, um, if you wanna look at H R T or if you wanna look at the natural way, just look and, uh, talk to your doctor about what's what's best for your history of your, you know, your medical history, I think is what's, what's important. Yeah.

Natalie: But once again, it's diving into those things.

Mm-hmm. It's not guessing, it's, it's taking the time. Get your blood work, whatever it is. Mm-hmm. I just did, I, I did this like six months ago. Mm-hmm. And it was fascinating to finally see like, well, no wonder I'm starting to feel so tired in the middle of the day and caffeine doesn't work

Stephanie: anymore thing, you know?

Yep. Same thing. Yeah. By the time I even found out with some of mine, I was already like, Pretty much into, almost into menopause. When I, when I found out, wow. So I went through all this, I had already gone through perimenopause and that's really what made me start to look into it. You know, we learned about it in school, so, but it's not enough time spent on it, so Really, yeah.

It's up to the healthcare professionals to take their own personal time to go and learn more about it. Um, hopefully they'll start doing a little bit more in school, hopefully, since I think there's a lot more talk about it. Yeah. But typically you have to do your own research. And that's what happened to me when I started seeing that, oh, this possibly couldn't be what it is.

If I didn't know about it as a healthcare professional, there's no way that, you know, other people who absolutely did not have this background knew about

Natalie: it as well. Yeah, yeah. And I wanna clarify when I joke about like, that's where people are old. We're living longer, we're not, we are, we are like in the middle of our lives and we're

Stephanie: going through this.

Yeah, we are. But I think that people have, um, they've made it to where, On the commercials and everything, like they don't look like us, right? They look older than us and they are, they, those people probably are in menopause, but they forget about the people who are perimenopause that look like you and I that are going through it.

So we don't think it's us because we see someone chasing their grandchild around. You know? It's like that's what we see on the commercials. We don't see people that look like us. And yet you look at people of

Natalie: change. I think so too. And you look at people who have little kids or like you, like preteen, teenagers.

Mm-hmm. And that's the middle of life, you know? Mm-hmm. We're waiting so many people waiting longer to have kids. They're gonna go through all of this at once, but again, we're living longer as a, as a society.

Stephanie: Um, it is. And I think, you know, the average age of menopause is actually between 49 and 51. So menopause is 49 51, and people say, well, I'm, I'm 55.

I don't, well, that's, that's why it's called an average. So between 49 and 51, that's just the average of people that typically, um, when they, uh, typically have it. So we think so much older, but it's really not, it's really almost, you know, almost there. And people are, need to recognize those signs and symptoms as well.

And the more we talk

Natalie: to doctor about it and we understand and we don't feel an embarrassment about it or anything mm-hmm. It's life. And we should be able to have these conversations that are comfortable mm-hmm. And learn from

Stephanie: each other. Mm-hmm. Right. Right. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. But I, I do want to, um, you know, when I was talking about how much you go to the doctor and the things that you need to do, one thing that I can't be remiss, I know that we, you know, time is so valuable and time is.

Mm-hmm. A lot of times we won't go to doctor because of their time. Right. Because they're so, you know, pressed too busy on time. Exactly. We're so, so busy. But for you to set up your, your annual appointments and just have everything done at that time mm-hmm. Whether it's getting your, you know, your. Your mammogram or your, uh, whatever you need to get, um, done during that time, your blood work, your vaccines, those types of things.

It's important just to have that set, you know, schedule just for you. Yeah. And especially with keeping up with your, um, vaccines, as I mentioned, you know, earlier with, uh, he b and helpless, avie is really simple as far as when you are going to the doctor. It's only a two shot. Protocol, which means you can go, you know, have a shot, then you come back, you know, in a month or so and you get your next shot.

So a lot of people think, well, I don't have time to go, but you really have to be able to keep up. And as far as, uh, people wanna know about side effects, a lot of times it's just like when you have, um, any other shot or a site injection, you may see a little irritation there. You could possibly have a headache or a fever, just like with any other vaccine.

Um, so if people want to know more about hepa, Help us that B, they can go to he b catch because we need to catch up with our kids because they're so already ahead of us, so we have to take care of our staff as well too.

Natalie: Yeah. Okay. So for more information, people to follow you mm-hmm. Um, and all that you're doing, uh, where can we tell them to go?

Stephanie: You can, uh, if you wanna follow more, more about me, I'll learn more about me. I'm more on all social media, uh, platforms as Dr. Stephanie Ymo, and that's d Stephanie Ymo, Y O M o. Or you can go to my website, dr stephanie is where you can find me. Okay. And for more informational, helpless app B, it is Hep B.

Catch All right, Dr.

Natalie: Stephanie, thanks for your time today. No problem. Really good to talk to you. The best to you and your family, and we appreciate you educating us and, and helping us understand this topic for women.

Stephanie: No problem. Thank you so much for having me.

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