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Episode 57: Glutathione: Fight Disease, Slow Aging and Increase Energy with Dr. Nayan Patel

Writer's picture: NatalieNatalie

Best Health Wellness Podcasts

Brief summary of show:

Have you heard of Glutathione? It’s a remarkable antioxidant that we all need to consider when it comes to fighting disease, slowing the aging process, and increasing our energy.

Dr. Nayan Patel joins me for this conversation. Dr. Patel is a sought after pharmacist, health expert, and thought leader in the industry. Since 1999, he has been collaborating with physicians to develop customized medication for their clients and design patient-specific drug and nutrition programmes. He has been the pharmacist of choice to celebrities, CEO’s and physicians themselves.

He recently published his first comprehensive book, The Glutathione Revolution: Fight Disease, Slow Aging & Increase Energy. After 11 years of clinical research on the master antioxidant, glutathione, Dr. Patel finally shares how powerful and essential glutathione is to the body’s detox system. He talks about the various benefits it has with slowing down the aging process, and explains how to increase your levels naturally. Dr. Patel is a firm believer in providing the body with tools it needs to defend itself and promote a healthy lifestyle that fits the pace of the modern world.

Listen in as we talk about:

  • [2:55] What is Glutathione

  • [4:15] How we get Glutathione

  • [7:05] Mental and physical stress and how Glutathione can help with this

  • [9:50] Tips to mitigate stress

  • [11:20] Three things we can do to create more Glutathione

  • [13:45] Dr. Patel’s signature Glutathione product

  • [14:35] How Glutathione supports less wrinkles and the aging process

  • [17:05] Dr. Patel’s tips to mitigating stress

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Notes from Natalie:

Connect with Dr. Nayan Patel

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View Transcript for this Episode

[00:00:30] Natalie: Hey everyone. It's Natalie. I am excited to let you know that I'm opening up spaces for collaboration and advertising and sponsorship on this podcast. And on my YouTube channel, if you're a brand looking to grow in the wellness family or mindfulness spaces, I would love to collaborate with you. You can find the link to get in touch with me in the show notes, and you can always find out more about what I'm up to on Natalie

[00:00:56] Hey everyone. It's Natalie. So glad to have you joining today for the podcast. I'm a big natural health fan and it is my goal here on this podcast to help you feel better, something that I want to talk about today. Maybe you've not heard this big, long word, but it is essential. To our physical health it's glutathione.

[00:01:17] It helps detox our systems and it helps us prevent disease. I'm talking today with Dr. Nyan Patel. He is the author of a book called the glutathione revolution. Where did I first hear of glutathione? When a couple of years ago I had a doctor who recommended an I V drip when I wasn't feeling well, or before we traveled internationally, he told me that glutathione was one of the elements of this Ivy, drip. That's when I first heard it. And I knew that it must be pretty big Dr. Patel is going to tell us today exactly what glutathione is, what happens when the levels of glutathione in your body are low, what diseases it actually wards off and how you can naturally increase the amount of this super antioxidant. In your cells. He is a wealth of very practical information.

[00:02:08] I know you're going to learn so much, and I also want to tell you that you can go to the show notes today because I put a link in there to a product that Dr. Patel mentioned, which I have just started in the last couple of weeks. And I'm having my family take it as well. And I am really excited about it.

[00:02:26] Again, that's in the show notes and while you're in the show notes, be sure that you join my newsletter. And if you haven't already subscribed to this podcast and please leave me a review, it means so much when you do so. I really appreciate it. Okay. On to more about Bluetooth glutathione with Dr. Nyan Patel.

[00:02:44] Dr. Patel joining me now. And I have been hearing this word, of course, as a health reporter I'm familiar with, but the magic of glutathione.

[00:02:54] Natalie: So let's start with that because I know you wrote a whole book about it and then we'll go into some other topics surrounding it. Tell us what Bluetooth is.

[00:03:02] Dr. Patel: I, when I get this questions all the time, first thing I put on my is my pharmacist cap, right?

[00:03:07] What is gluten chemically? It's a protein, it's combination of three amino acid, glutamine glycine, and cystine combines in a, in a, in a sequence, makes it a protein. It's a simplest form of protein, but the unique part of leotard is it's the most abundantly produced in human body. So chemically it's a protein, but then we don't look at chemical structure, right.

[00:03:31] We all, as they say, what do you do? Well, um, I'm a male, I'm a female. We don't say that. We always go back and say, well, I'm a pharmacist, I'm a doctor. I'm a diploma reporter. I'm a Telecaster. So we, uh, identity is based on what we do. So glutes identity is based on what it does is it came from as the most powerful Antioch.

[00:03:54] It's just one of the role it does in the body is to reduce oxidative stress in the body. And it's called the mother of all antioxidants. And so what it is and what it does is two different things, but they're, there you are now. Now we don't want to go to Dallas.

[00:04:11] Natalie: Okay. So now, now we've kicked out a little bit.

[00:04:13] We know that. ow do we get. And, is it something you as a pharmacist you've known this forever, but is it something that we're just more aware of today? and why more so in the last few years, at least for the general public.

[00:04:29] Dr. Patel: So it's been around. Yeah, something that'd be unknown known for long periods of time.

[00:04:35] it's widely researched product or name on Google or any of favorite search engines today. and the reason we are talking about this today, even though we have known this for a hundred years, Is because it is something that we would like to increase it, our body abundantly, but more importantly, we want to make sure that there are products available to help us do that.

[00:05:00] And so for all this years, we I've been working on this thing. Um, and I have about 20 books right on my side, over here. That's all the books that are published with gluten and I, I have sought every one of them. Nobody talks about how does it help your patients? How does it help general public, what to do with it?

[00:05:18] I have some literature on, on chemical structures and what it does in your body and all the pharmacokinetics of this product and it a molecule in your body. But it doesn't dive in. is it going to help me with my wrinkles? Is it going to help me with my stress? Is it going to help me with my, feeling, uh, with, with full of energy.

[00:05:38] So that has just come around in the last, I would say 15 to 20 years, and thanks to my book. It's now it's reaching thousands of people on a daily basis to the message is out there.

[00:05:50] Natalie: Going to link your book by the way, in the show notes, the glutathione revolution, but let's go into some of those specifics.

[00:05:57] I think in my analysis now as a podcast or I run my own website, I teach at a high school. I came out of the news business where I feel like we are at the highest level of stress in my 50 years that we've ever experienced. does glutathione help us manage our stress level? Does it, does it help within the body and that anxiety and stress?

[00:06:21] Dr. Patel: So you're right. I mean, last two years have been extremely difficult for a lot of people, especially, with dealing with mental stress. And The word unprecedented has been overused. I believe so, but if, if it needs to be used this time, I think it justifies that part because we are seeing numbers that we have never seen before.

[00:06:45] I still want a full fledged pharmacy. So we see prescriptions every single day. And I see mental disorders at a, at a peak at this time. So. While blur time may not be able to reduce the mental stress spout. What mental stress does to a body. It produces a lot of free radicals.

[00:07:06] Dr. Patel: There's a lot of chemical processes that are happening in the pituitary in your brain.

[00:07:10] There is producing all this free radicals. There's a byproduct of any chemical reactions, those chemical reactor byproducts to. Sequestered and removed from the body. And so the glue is the only product our body produces to basically take all this supercharged electrons in our body, kind of neutralize them and get it up there, even though it may not be helpful with the stress reduction per se, but the stress.

[00:07:38] Causing the secondary effects to a body is reduced completely. So even though we may not be able to remove your mental stress, we are able to keep your body. Uh, safe and functioning and as well as full of energy. So you can get by doing all the daily work and hopefully one day we'll figure out a way to how to reduce mental stress now.

[00:07:59] Natalie: Yeah. But part of mental stress is physically not feeling well. I mean, I know for myself, like I might have a little bit of mental stress, but then when you feel sick, it just adds. And then all of a sudden you're in this cycle and the mental stress is even worse because physically you don't feel.

[00:08:17] Dr. Patel: That's right. I mean, if you, if you want to dive in deep into stresses, there are physical stresses that are chemical stress stressors that are emotional stress and all those stressors. I mean, some of the stress you can't get away from it, for example, sun. I mean, if you wake up in the morning, if you walk outside, you know, you're going to be exposed to sunlight and that's producing, uh, uh, stressors from outside that your body has to, has to deal with it.

[00:08:42] Chemicals by the time you leave your house every morning, you're exposed to anywhere from 50 to 70 different chemicals that your body has to somehow get rid of it. All the stressors that we, take it for granted in his modern day, society is a body has to deal with it. And, and it deals with it by producing blue with ion.

[00:09:04] But as you know, as we age. I was stresses, never reduces. In fact, starting the age of 21, we decide to knowingly consume alcohol, which is, we know is a solvent and it adds more stress to a body. so we do things knowingly. That's not good for our body, but we still do that because we think the body's going to utilize every single thing that.

[00:09:25] And eat and drink. Uh, but as we age the body kind of say, well, your stress is not reducing. My ability to produce gluten is producing. And so now they come to the point where I said, what do I do now? How do I restore my levels? Again? That's always been a millionaire.

[00:09:45] Natalie: So I'm hearing you say our body produces glutathione, but

[00:09:49] Natalie: what can we do to get more glutathione?

[00:09:52] Is there a supplement?

[00:09:54] Dr. Patel: So, I mean, a body's well-equipped to, it's a very simple protein chain. It's a three, I mean, acid protein chain, right? So very simple molecule, the body can produce this. Enough of it on a daily basis, we don't have to take anything supplementation wise, other than the three amino acids, the glycine, the glutamine, and the CS team.

[00:10:14] The hardest one, the hardest one to get in your body is cystine. So there are foods like whey proteins and asparagus and avocados that you get all those different amino acids for your body to produce its own blue fire. So if you're young, when I say young, Under the age of 30 ish is what I'm saying. I can put a number to anymore because the negatives are flushing.

[00:10:37] When I say, how old are you? I said, well, we should ask you how young I am today. Because before he was to be over the hill was a 40 year dollars or 50. Now my friends are going into six. As I said, I'm still, in the middle middle-aged group. So to speak. So under the age of 30, your body can produce his own glow time, have enough in your.

[00:10:56] My book has a 14 day plan to boost your levels up. It's a simple diet. It's nothing crazy. It's all the fruits and vegetables that you find in your local grocery store. There is nothing exotic foods that you have to eat to get to iron levels up, but once, once your body cannot produce blue a time, there's literally three things you can do to improve your attack levels.

[00:11:18] Dr. Patel: One. Consume those amino acids and have your body produces own island, which is sustained glycine and glutamine sustain. Again, there's a, there's a vitamin called N-acetylcysteine or NAC, which is widely available in the open market. And that's the best way to improve it. Little tile levels. Then there's all this blue time supplementations in the world.

[00:11:42] I mean, there are thousands of those supplementations available at this point, but what happens is that the body sends this as a protein and the protein will be broken down into various amino acids and try to build a go-time levels again. So I did not believe in doing gluten supplementations at all because it doesn't doesn't get absorbed in the, form of UT.

[00:12:04] The last thing is, of course you can go to the doctor's office and you can take an injections of glue with iron, but gluten being such a large molecule, it doesn't get inside your red blood cells. It's good. Kids gets injured inside your blood, but stays the blood. The blood is made up. Wow. And red blood cells, the blood is the plasma.

[00:12:25] So blue then ends up staying in the plasma the whole time. It never gets into the red blood cells. And if it sees it, it's out of his system in about 14 to 20 minutes. So if you go to doctor's office, take a shot of it. Guess what? In 20 minutes or so is out of your body. And so that doesn't give me a good feeling that if I have a needs on a daily basis can take a shot every 20 minutes, et cetera.

[00:12:51] That's not possible. So without going into more detail, I can give myself a shameless plug is I discovered the glutathione molecule in a stable form to be delivered topically. And at first, when I did that part, I did not realize what it was doing and it wasn't until. About a couple of years down the road after discovered, uh, the stability of the product I started using on my patients, I call a few doctors, started using my patient.

[00:13:19] It was absorbing, did some, uh, blood tests for my patients. And what we found out was it actually increases red blood cells. And that was really about for the very first time. And that's basically prompt me to do all the research for 10 years. Wrote the book for after I did my research and then released and then launched my car.

[00:13:43] Natalie: Wow. Okay. So I want to know about this topical solution. Is it a, a cream and you just put it somewhere on your body and how often and what is it?

[00:13:52] Dr. Patel: It's a liquid. Um, it's just like the liquid solution. I used a spray for me, just spray it on your body. Any part of the body gets into your stream?

[00:14:02] Uh, we do have some skincare product as well because as we all know, faces never covered is a face, is the most exposed to the environmental toxins all the time. So we have a product for the, for, for the face just to help with their face, uh, at the same time. Oh, good. That is not just for your face it's for your whole body.

[00:14:21] So I usually apply on my liver or my right inside of my abdomen, upright over there, and it gets infected.

[00:14:29] Natalie: So let's talk about that's fascinating. And I, I definitely want to try that because I'm a big believer. well,

[00:14:35] Natalie: let's talk about wrinkles aging and, how glutathione and our bodies obviously naturally producing it, but then also through something like what you have, how it can affect those things.

[00:14:47] Dr. Patel: Okay. So what do you see outside on your skin is a reflection of what's happening inside your body? I always believed that part except for the phage. Right? And so for me, it's always been, even though a phases, the most exposed to the sunlight and our outside toxins, our organs are not so Uh, getting results with your face is easy to see when you apply blew a tire. If we reduce the Oxford stress in your face and face gets less wrinkly, uh, have even torn off of your color and have that think of shoe coming back to your face.

[00:15:22] Imagine what it can do to your origin. When the, when the gluten is consumed internally. And so my goal to, for everybody that's out there listening to this thing is to understand that, Hey, if gluten can help on your face and get rid of all your. Dammit all the sun damage on your face, which could be sunspots and talking about wrinkles.

[00:15:45] And we talking about, uh, discoloration, or just laddering of your skin because the skin gets all used up and dried up. It gets all Nethery and make it back again. And plumpy and all those things, the same thing had happened to your organs when the time is consumed internally. And those, if you work with physicians, they'll be able to measure the function of each and every Oregon's with some blood test to see, Hey, is there has a testing been improved on.

[00:16:14] And we see this all

[00:16:15] the

[00:16:15] Natalie: time. Wow. That's fascinating. I mean, you get to midlife and you know, for me, it's, it's the sun spots on the driver's side window, you know, on my face or, or the wrinkles here, the stress that we have here, but you're saying that glutathione can, can help with those

[00:16:33] things.

[00:16:34] Dr. Patel: Gluten does help with that.

[00:16:35] It's, uh, it's basically the base of the whole thing. with the help of some extra vitamin C, you can build some collagen, it needs more than just one molecule to do, to fix the whole body. We have over 3000 chemicals inside of body, and we need to make sure that everybody has a role, a good time being the cornerstone of, getting rid of the bad stuff out of a body plays a very important.

[00:17:01] Natalie: So we've talked a lot about glutathione, but in your expertise,

[00:17:05] Natalie: what are the other things that we can be doing right now to feel better coming out of the pandemic and stress and you know, just difficult lives that people lead. What are the other recommendations you would have for people to just feel better?

[00:17:21] Dr. Patel: Feel better. So while I cannot say what everybody else does to make them feel better. I can tell you what I do every morning to myself, myself, feel better. The first thing I do every day, when I wake up before I do anything is to sit down and do 15 minutes of meditation.

[00:17:40] All it does for me is I'm still a fully awake. And I'm literally just sitting quietly and just thinking about nothing for what, 15 minutes. And that brings calmness to me. The second thing that I do, which is I want to make sure that everybody has a chance to do that is just use some breathing exercise.

[00:18:00] And there are plenty of with the exercise out there. All I'm telling you. Do conscious breathing. When you breathe in and breathe out consciously, you are basically focusing on yourself and not on the outside for, uh, on, on the outside factors. Right before I did this podcast, I have taken two minutes off and I read for two minutes and one to make sure that I am completely present with today.

[00:18:28] I'm present with, with you right now. And I want to be present with the audience was listening to. Now and forever making sure that I give her percent of my time and my energy to you today. And that is one thing that has helped me the most to stay focused because we get excited. We get depressed all the time and my job is to, can I stay right in the middle?

[00:18:52] Not too excited not to do. You're right in the middle of the fucking state, right in the middle, I can make better decisions and I can be focused on what I'm doing right now. So that has kept me alive. So to speak.

[00:19:06] Natalie: What about, uh, what you put in to your body? So obviously how much water we drink? Uh, the types of foods that we eat.

[00:19:14] You mentioned a few that are supportive of glutathione, but give me more on that.

[00:19:20] Dr. Patel: I have learned one thing, uh, more, uh, less is more. So I was going to say the other way around, but it's not true. Less is more, the less food you eat, the more energy you have. So. I don't drink coffee. I don't drink tea. I don't drink juices or sodas or anything like that.

[00:19:39] there's nothing wrong with drinking water every single day. Cause that's what hydrates your body. So that's what I do every single day. I have become vegetarian over the last six, seven years now. And that has really helped me get gain more energy. I don't have a huge muscle mass to, to brag about, but I.

[00:19:58] Lots of energy to brag about. Uh, but mental focus has increased because I only consume, real food. I don't need box lunches. I don't need, I mean, keep life simple, right? If something comes in a package in a, maybe not be right for us, if we have to cook something from, from grounds up, it's probably the best food you can eat every single day.

[00:20:19] So, I'm all about eating fresh every single day and as much as possible. Restaurants and fast food joins and things like that.

[00:20:29] Natalie: No, I mean, I, I I've tended to feel the same way. It's like simple it's we complicate things too much. Like what do I need? And if I get this special thing and how can I find that when it's.

[00:20:40] Simplicity is beautiful. Um, how do you then, because you talked about protein, I heard you say whey protein, how do you get enough protein? If you're not eating meat, what do you, what are you eating for protein?

[00:20:54] Dr. Patel: So I do take protein shakes once in a while. It's it's I, I used to take a daily basis. And just recently I decided, you know what, I'm going to see if I can get enough protein for my diet.

[00:21:05] So I use a lot of lentils and with the lentils, I always mixed with some element and millet type of grains to make it a complete protein. So for me, it's a. Three to five times a week. I'll have some sort of lentils in my diet. Uh, lots of vegetables. It's it's day and night vegetables. I don't eat breakfast anymore.

[00:21:29] It's I've tried to control the amount of incident producing my body by. How many times that even during the day, um, because insulin is the most arthrogenic drug that we produce inside the body. And even the gluten can help reduce the side effects of all insulin. Um, I would like to believe that if I can stop that surgeries all the time would be better for me.

[00:21:52] So I try to eat less. I try to eat, uh, just during the six, eight hours during the daytime, the rest of the time I just drink water.

[00:22:08] Natalie: Yeah. So how can people learn a little bit more about you and what you're doing your book, and I'm fascinated by everything you do. So tell us where we can find.

[00:22:19] Dr. Patel: Thank you. Um, well, I have a lot of information about the globe on oral, a U R O

[00:22:29] I had the skin stuff on or, a U R O And these are two separate product lines, but he had a lot of information about that one. if you have any further information that you need from me personally, The books on there too. She gets, you can get the book from any online retailers or any favorite bookstores.

[00:22:49] They have it, they have it on a digital copies and audible copy and all those things as well. But if they have more questions, Please reach out to the, the, uh, ask us more info and then I will get those emails from everybody.

[00:23:06] Natalie: Wonderful. Well, we will link those things and just appreciate what you're doing, your expertise.

[00:23:10] I love learning more about how we can feel better and be better and mentally and physically. So thank you so much. It's great to talk to you and I hope we can connect again soon.



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