Brief summary of show:
What’s the real reason why you aren’t feeling good?
Have you ever had someone say to you “it’s all in your head’? Maybe you’ve heard that when you were sick, felt down, tired, or just simply didn’t feel good?
Efrat LaMandre owns and operates her own Medical practice, EG Healthcare, which provides pediatric, adult and geriatric care to over 20,000 patients. In addition to her primary care practice, she has taken conventional medicine to the next level with her signature process The Knew Method.
The Knew Method helps patients take control of their health destiny using a Functional Medicine Approach that empowers them to finally realize that their symptoms are not in their head. As a result, she helps people optimize their health, prevent illness, reduce medication and feel great.
Dr. E is co-chair of the Staten Island Hospital Board Of Trustees. She also serves as the President of the Nurse Practitioner Association State Board. In addition, she is Clinical Faculty at Wagner College. She is also the Primary Care Provider for the City University New York, College of Staten Island Athletic Department.
Efrat owns a Medical Scribe company, HawkScribes, that allows providers to focus on their patients instead of charting.
Dr. E is also a public speaker and offers consulting services to other nurse practitioners who are opening up their own practices.
Listen in as we talk about:
[3:00] Why your feelings are real
[5:00] What functional medicine is
[6:00] What the ‘midday slump’ can be a symptom of
[7:20] How to test for adrenal fatigue
[9:35] How to treat adrenal fatigue
[11:40] Dr. E’s definition of anti-inflammatory foods
[15:30] The most common health issues Dr. E sees within women
[17:40] What PCOS is and how to treat it
[20:55] How common PCOS actually is
[23:10] Where to start if you’re not feeling well but your test all come back fine
Notes from Natalie:
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[00:00:00] Natalie: It's only in your head. Have you ever heard that when you feel sick, anxious, or maybe depressed, it might be more than you think or more than other people are actually telling you.
[00:00:41] Natalie: Hey everyone, it's Natalie. You know, I've been a health reporter for three decades and I've covered so many topics over the years concerning wellbeing, illnesses, mental health.
The bottom line is if you are feeling ill, Then there's something wrong, and if it's not a physical thing, it very well could be something mental and you need to do something about that. This topic really means a lot to me because my goal is to help you feel better, but if you're continually telling yourself, I'm okay, then you are not doing yourself or anyone else around you any service.
By not addressing these issues. If you scroll back through past episodes of this podcast, you will. Dozens and dozens actually. We're getting near a hundred topics that you might actually find helpful in helping you find remedies or solutions, or ask the right questions to some of the health topics that you are dealing with.
But today I wanna talk about just this issue of it being in your head and what you can do. To get to the bottom of your health issues, Dr. EF Fret. LaMondre is a family nurse practitioner with a PhD in integrative medicine, Dr. E for short. That's what her patients call her. She is what you might call a medical entrepreneur.
She sees an issue in the medical world from a business perspective, and then she aims to fix it, and she has done that time and time again. What I love about her and the reason that I really wanted to have her on the show is her approach. To helping patients. It's not just medicine, it's not just tests.
It's really getting to the root of issues, optimizing health, preventing illness, reducing medication when you can. Dr. E is the co-chair of the Staten Island Hospital Board of Trustees. She also serves as the president of the nurse practitioner, Associa. State board and she is on the clinical faculty at Wagner College.
She is very busy, but she still consults. She still sees patients, and she speaks to audiences worldwide. It is such a pleasure to learn and talk to her on the podcast today. So I'd love for you to take a minute look at the show notes today because you're gonna find some really important links there, and don't forget to subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss anything.
Let's get started with Dr. Efrat LaMondre.
Dr. E thanks for joining me today. So I wanna go right into this, this feeling of, I feel like crap, but everyone tells me I'm just fine. It's not real, right? Like, I mean, your feelings really are real. Your body is
[00:03:15] Dr. Efrat: telling you something. Oh, my God. Yeah. So this is exactly why I called my book. It's not in your head because so many of my patients, especially women are being told it a version of it's in your head.
Like, oh, maybe you need anxiety. Medication are things well at home, maybe you're just stressed. Well, what do you expect? You have kids. What expect you taking care of your mom? Right? So you get a version. They may not actually be bold enough to say you're crazy, but you're gonna get a version of it's in your.
and I have to say that I used to be guilty of the same thing. And that is because in conventional medicine, which is how I was originally trained. You are taught to find a disease and treat it. And if there's no disease, you're, you're fine. There is no room for unwellness. There is no room for shades of wellness.
You're just not sick. And so you're good. And so many of my patients, I used to do the same thing, come and be fine. Your labs are fine. See you next year. Um, and so I like to say that because your doctors are not mean people. There's no malice. There's no conspiracy theory. It's just, these are the tools we're taught in school, which is fine, the disease.
So most of you who are feeling that well are gonna go and I encourage you to always go, go to the doctor, get the tests, make sure there's no pathology. Right. Make sure there's no sickness. But then when they tell you there's nothing, don't be disempowered. Just be like, I'm not dying. I don't have cancer.
This is awesome news, but there is something else I'm just not at the right place for it. And then you thank your doctor and you see him again next year because you really wanna make sure there's no illness. And then you go and you find an alternative. I practice functional medicine.
So you're gonna wanna find someone who.
Who practices functional medicine, because what we do now is we actually know that the symptoms mean something. They may not mean a disease, right? Cuz that's what your primary is for, but it certainly means that a disease is cooking. And so we're going to try to find what's cooking what's happening and we're gonna start to try to find clues before it becomes a disease cuz once it's a disease.
You know, you're not gonna need much of a sleuth there. oh, I, I
[00:05:30] Natalie: love the way you just explained all of that is that, is that the intro to the book? Like it's
[00:05:33] Dr. Efrat: perfect. It kinda, is it kinda to the book? Perfect.
[00:05:36] Natalie: And the thing that I'm like gravitating towards it, you just said is these shades of wellness because it's not black or white and it's so true that we go, okay, well, I don't.
B or C so I must be fine, but I still, and, and I'm at that place where midafternoon like, call it in an hour or two, I'm gonna dive. I'm gonna be so tired.
And I can't just continue to give myself caffeine to feel
[00:06:01] Dr. Efrat: better. Oh yes. That's a, that's a symptom. Isn't it? talk to me about that. Yeah, it's a symptom.
And so, it could be a symptom of so many things, but one of the first things and. Just gonna say it one more time. You always go to your primary first rule out the biggies. Okay. Um, so assuming you're not an EIC, nothing else is going on and you have this drop. One of the most common things is something called Argenal fatigue and Argenal fatigue is not recognized by conventional medicine, conventional medicine, either.
It's too high. You're in the ICU. It's called cushions. It's too low. You're in the ICU. It's called Addisons. And there's nothing in between. Miraculously. Everyone is fine in between, which is crazy. So adrenal fatigue is about. Years. So cortisol is the hormone that you use to kind of get through the day. Um, it's also your hormone that keeps you awake.
It's high in the morning and it gets progressively lower. But if you are stressed or dealing with certain things in life or a chronic illness or anything, it's going to deplete, so it will carry you for a while. So for a while, you won't feel it, the cortisol will keep pumping and you'll just get your things done and you'll be superhuman and get everything done.
And then you'll find yourself, Hey, you know, I used to be able to do these things and now I'm just wiped out. I used to be able to work out and now I can't, I used to be able to take care of my kids and go to school. And now I can't what, and, and that is a sign. Your adrenals are fatiguing. Their adrenals may cortisol.
So they're fatiguing and there is, is an actual test for it. It's a saliva test. We use a lab called LabX, but your conventional medicine doctor will not be aware of it and will not know how to order it. So this is a saliva test that you do throughout the day, morning, noon, afternoon, and night to get a full picture of what's happening during the day.
So it is objectively measured, which is really what I like. Like things that are measurable and quantifiable. Yep. And it tells you what level of adrenal fatigue you're on. There's one, two and three. And. The thing about it is if you are a level two or a level three adrenal fatigue, you are so wiped out that you might be the person who, when you work out, you need a nap after working out.
Yeah. So, so many women are seeing like their friends who go work out and then they're great. They're energized and they feel great. And then they go work out and they need a nap. And so like how much negative self talk comes without like, oh my God, it's wrong. Me. What's wrong with me? I'm so lazy. Why can't I be like Michelle?
Who. This is great. And then she's making cookies and the minute you find out, you have adrenal fatigue, sorry to anyone named Michelle no's respect. . I have a lot of friends name, Michelle. I don't know why I picked that name, but the minute you find I have adrenal fatigue, you're empowered to understand that you're not crazy.
It's not in your. But more importantly, my patients with adrenal fatigue, I will tell them, please, don't exercise because the little bit of gas that you have to get you through your day, get your job done, parenting you to whatever's on your plate. You've now used that for your CrossFit class and you're wiped out nothing the whole day.
So let's. Yeah. And so I tell my patients like, let's take a month or two, nothing's gonna happen. Don't exercise. Let's get you feeling better. Let's fill up your stores again. Let's get those adrenals. You're gonna come back to me and say to me, guess what I did this week. And you will have maybe, you know, walk down the block or restart your program.
So it is so critical to find this piece out, cuz it's so disempowering. Like you might say yourself, you know, you just shared with me that in the afternoon you might go down say, wow, I must be getting. Getting tired in the afternoon. Yeah, no, yeah, no, you're not getting old. You're getting adrenal fatigue.
what do you do
[00:09:37] Natalie: then for, is there a vitamin you should be taking for adrenal fatigue or what? What's the solution?
[00:09:43] Dr. Efrat: So the solution, in functional medicine, Always starts with nutrition because you want to remove the things that are depleting you. So your job might be depleting you, but you have to go to work again.
Now, if it's a toxic job, you need to change a job. I can't, you have to yep. Whole nother podcast. I've done many of whole other podcast, right? If you're in a toxic, you know, relationship, you need to get your relationship. Yep. But if everything is more or less normal, meaning you have a high level of. But it's all like good, but it's still stressful.
We have to now control the other things. So if your, your nutrition, if your nutrition's not on point, it's stressing your body. So your job might be stressful and you need to do it. You might have three or four kids. You need to do that. We. That's your, but this one variable component of this nutrition. If you're feeding yourself pizza and pasta and a glass of wine every day, you've added a stressor to the system.
So you have to remove that huge stressor of three or four meals a day that you're putting in your system. And not only eliminate, but choose things that are anti-inflammatory help us calm the system down. So you always start there. Um, I love intermittent fast. Because that really helps as well, calm the whole system down.
And then we could talk about certain supplements. There are supplements, um, that are called adaptogens that are specifically designed for genome fatigue. and so there are supplements that are designed for it, but I always like to tell people, start with nutrition first, because if you are looking for that pill, you come back to that mindset of, there must be a magic pill to make me feel better.
We wanna opt out of that mindset. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:11:19] Natalie: I mean that that's, again, a whole nother podcast is there's just not gonna be a pill. You gotta start with the basics. Right. Get rid of toxic. You gotta start with the basics, whatever it is toxic. And then building, when you say anti-inflammatory foods, I do a lot on health, so I've done things and I'll put some notes in the podcast on other, uh, podcasts that I've done on anti-inflammatory.
But give me your definition of that. What is it different for everyone? Or how can we start with the basics?
[00:11:45] Dr. Efrat: Okay. It's different for everyone in the sense that everyone has a different starting point, right? Yeah. So if you are someone who's really in fast food and that's your life. It may be a huge dump to be like, let's have a kale salad.
And then that jump is so big that you might just like F it. I'm not gonna do it. So wherever your starting point is know that there is an anti-inflammatory choice. Like even if your life is fast food, then maybe we have to make better choices in fast food. So I wanna, I wanna create space for anyone wherever your starting point is, there is somewhere to go.
It doesn't have to look a certain way. That being said, ideally, you want to stay away from anything processed. Process means that you're looking at the ingredients and you cannot make it in your kitchen. Mm-hmm you don't know, you don't have these things. I can't even say these chemicals. You'll never have them.
okay. That's processed food. If you can make it, can you make a Dorito in your house? I don't even know how to begin. Right. so, cuz it's not a food. Right? Right. Um, so if it's processed, it's filled with things that are inflammatory, so choose things that are not process. Whatever that looks like, right. Just imagine you're on the farm.
Um, and it could grow or live on a farm. That's what you want to eat. You want to eat the rainbow, not Skittles. You want to choose fruits and vegetables of weird colors that you are don't normally eat. So if you eat a lot of greens, where's your purple. Where's your blue. Where is your red? Those phytonutrients are anti-inflammatory.
They're super important. You know, easy way to do it. and as low carb as you can tolerate, generally speaking, if there's diabetics out there, we have to do it a little differently, but this is just generalization as low carb as you can tolerate in the sense of starchy carbs. I don't mean like. Obviously broccoli is a carb, but also if someone always says that, that's why I mentioned that there's always one TikTok was like, did you know that broccoli is a carb?
Yes. I know broccoli's a carb. They don't mean that
[00:13:41] Natalie: so starchy of breads, obviously
[00:13:44] Dr. Efrat: the breads, the pastas, right. Eliminate as much as you can with that. This is anti-inflammatory, um, supplements are, anti-inflammatory like omega three. If I had to choose three supplements besides a multivitamin, it would be N NA C, which becomes something called glutathione, which is magic.
vitamin D podcast on that love glutathione. Yes, vitamin D, which is not actually vitamin to hormone. And you need it for everything. Mm-hmm and omega. If I had to start. Okay. If this is like what I have to take to a desert island supplement wise, I don't know why we're taking supplements to the desert island, but if I had to , these would be my three
[00:14:24] Natalie: love it. Okay. Um, perfect. So, okay. Beyond that, we, we, we talk about that adrenal fatigue that midafternoon I get that I know. 20 years in the news business, 25, almost 30. I, I, a lot of cortisol was running through my body. yes. So I'm still trying to level that out, but for other people in kind of normal life, other.
Very common things that you see, especially women in their thirties, forties, what are the biggest issues you see that you could
[00:14:54] Dr. Efrat: help people with?
[00:15:27] Dr. Efrat: So, and I actually just did a TikTok on this, so super important. We get dismissed women in general get dismissed when they're feeling off and their tests show that they're fine.
So let's give a class example, thy. So many patients will say, you know, my mom has thyroid. My aunt has thyroid. I'm really feeling the symptoms. I'm having trouble losing weight. I'm cold all the time. My, my hair is thinning. When I go to the doctor, they do this task called Ts H thyroid stimulating hormone.
And they tell me I'm fine. And they send me home and they're like, but I really feel like I have it. I have all the symptoms and I have this family history. So this is a huge area where functional medicine and conventional. Kind of diverge. So conventional medicine, you do the TSH. If there's nothing wrong with the TSH, there's nothing wrong with you.
Goodbye. I'll see you next year. Again, they're not wrong. They're just, don't see the full picture. There are other parts of the thyroid panel. There are something called thyroid antibodies. And if you're positive for Throid antibodies, you are cooking a thyroid issue, even though your TSH is normal. So you're gonna have the symptoms.
You're gonna have all these issues, but you just don't need medication. Hmm, but in functional medicine, we will start treating you with again, diet specific supplements to help strengthen your thyroid to help hopefully avoid it from becoming a hypothyroid, but you'll be symptomatic and you shouldn't be dismissed.
We should also check your T3 and T4 cuz TSH, I don't want this cuz its own podcast. TSH only tells us one parameter of your thyroid. And quite honestly, it's a late parameter, so stuff will start going off like wrong before the TSH starts to move. And so using that as a marker of your, of your thyroid is, is it's not correct by the time it's moved, you're already sick.
Yeah. So since you don't get sick today, it'll take you five to 10 years to cook it that whole time that your thyroid is chugging along. You are truly and accurately experiencing those symptoms and it's not in your head. They're just not looking at the right test to support what you're feeling. So thyroids, very common for women in all age groups.
the next thing is P C O S polycystic ovarian syndrome. This is an interesting one because patients will. Either not diagnosed with it, or what I see more is that they get diagnosed. Ma'am you have P C O S here's two or three pills and good luck. Those pills are, you know, something to help you ovulate.
They give you Metformin, or they put you on birth control pill, even though you're not looking for birth control, but it helps regulate your period or they give you something for some of the symptoms of P C O S, which is like facial hair and things like that. So they'll come into my office and they'll say, oh my God, I have P C O S right?
This sounds it's devastating. It has an acronym. It's a devastating sounding disease. And they walked away with a prescription, but they were never told what the actual problem is. And the actual problem of P C O S is an insulin problem. It actually has nothing to do with your ovaries has nothing to do with all that stuff that you see in your ovaries, your testosterone, your facial hair, all of that is the end result of too much insulin.
Caused secondary to diet. Usually there are some exceptions. So if you don't know that your issue is insulin and that your diet causes P C O S you're never curing your P C OS. Nope. They're never offered this as an option. So for those of you listening, if you have P C O S I need you to consider it as a pre-diabetes.
So everything in your mind that you know about diabetes. Oh, I shouldn't eat this. I should move more. Cuz I don't wanna get diabetes. That is how you cure your P C O S. Wow. And you don't cure it by taking the pill. Wow. And
[00:19:15] Natalie: the only way to do that then is through diet and through changing Nutri.
[00:19:22] Dr. Efrat: So for most people, P C O S is going to be a diet conversation.
Okay. Um, and so yes, changing nutrition. Bring that insulin level down. Once that insulin level goes down, your testosterone will normalize. Your periods will come back. Your acne will disappear. Your hair will start to regrow. So all the reasons you go, right? They go to the doctor cuz, oh my God, I have acne.
Oh my God, I have facial hair. Oh my God. I have this dark in the back of my neck. I have belly fat. This is the reason you go to the doctor. But the whole issue. So for those P CS, insulin goes up quick, quick, quick, like cliff notes, insulin goes up, insulin will tell you ovaries hay ovaries make too much testosterone.
Mm-hmm testosterone across facial hair. Balding, um, will mess your periods. We'll mess fertility up. Um, and then you'll also go into gain weight. So. All of this though. It really isn't an ovary pile, more testosterone problem rights, all it's up here with insulin. So you fix this and then downstream, everything gets fixed.
Wow. No one, I have never seen a patient coming to my primary care practice. Tell me that they were advised of this when they got the diagnosis of P C O S from their GYN, not one. So
[00:20:29] Natalie: how common is this? I know you end up with a lot of these people who are kind of, and I know with functional medicine and I believe in it all about it.
A lot of times, it's the end, the last resort. It's like, I've tried everything else. And now I'm here. Yes. So you probably see a lot of patients with this, but how common, if you were just to take a hundred women in their thirties or something, and, and I know I'm asking you to quote, a statistic might not be there.
How common
[00:20:54] Dr. Efrat: is it? Okay. I actually know, cause I just did this episode. great. Five to 10% of women have P C O S, which is a huge number or diagnosed P C O S okay. Diagnosed big difference. Yeah. Diagnosed. and P C O S is a spectrum. So maybe you're walking around just with acne thinking. It's your hormones.
Maybe you're walking around just with hair, thinning thinking it's something. Maybe you're walking around just with irregular periods. You may not. all of those things I mentioned, you're still on that spectrum, but consider how, if I say to you, how prevalent is diabetes or prediabetes in this country, you're gonna be like, oh my God, it's huge.
That's the answer for P C O S cuz it's the same cause. So five to
[00:21:40] Natalie: 10% are diagnosed. There's a whole lot of people out there on that spectrum. There's a who have
[00:21:44] Dr. Efrat: no idea. Yeah. Mm-hmm I do. I have to do a quick shout out to those P C O S women whose diet is on point are saying, Hey, that's not fair. I do everything right.
That is true. Those P C O S women. And that's why I said with exceptions, cuz I, I always wanna make sure cuz they're standing in the room. They're getting like upset right now. Um, rightfully so because they're put in a category and they're doing their, you know, they're already made the changes and why are they still P C OS.
Their issue is still going to be insulin, but it may not be secondary to their nutrition. It may be secondary to their microbiome being off because they were exposed to some chemical or toxin. So still the answer is going to be nutrition, but it's gonna be more about fixing their microbiome, getting the right probiotics and getting their belly back on.
So that their insulin levels are, so it's still the same insulin cascade. Yeah. But their cause, um, and their treatment might have to be a little bit more refined than just saying lower your carbs.
[00:22:45] Natalie: Well, let's, let's take a little bit of a, a, um, kind of a upper approach looking down on everything you've just said.
So for people who've never seen, uh, a. Functional been to a functional medicine practice or seeing a functional medicine doctor. They're going, okay. My microbiome P C O S. And they're like, ah, I just don't feel good. Yeah. Like what do, what do we do? Like someone who's listening to this going. I think that's all me.
[00:23:07] Dr. Efrat: How do they start? Yeah. I love that question. I love that question. I love that question because that is really why it's so funny. It's. I know we didn't. And for anyone listening, we actually did not discuss my book before. Um, but that is the reason I wrote my book because people come in and they're like, Hey, I did a mold test.
I did a hormone test. I did a lime test and I'm like, okay, whoa, jump the gun. Like let's not spend the money in that direction. This is what you do first. Always go to your primary care and then you go to the specialist of that issue. So let's just say you have a lot of stomach issues, go to the GI, get the colonoscopy, get the endoscopy, let them all tell you you're.
awesome. Your functional medicine provider, whether you work with us or someone else is gonna be really happy that you did all that. Mm-hmm you're gonna come and say, look, my colonoscopy's great. My oscopy is great. My blood works. Perfect. Awesome. Great. Now we know you're not sick. Let's get you. Well. So then what we do and many my colleagues do that.
We do well now I'm gonna run a brand new set of labs on you. That is gonna dig deeper. I'm looking for inflammatory markers, I'm looking for, um, some genetic markers. And then I do the saliva test for Geno fatigue. And I actually am going to ask you all your symptoms. and your timeline very important. When did it start to start after, after giving birth, did it start after going to college?
Did it start after having a, a, a whole bout of antibiotics because you had like strep for two years, like all that is important, and then I'm gonna that your functional medicine person, if they know what they're doing, they're gonna sit you down. They're gonna say. They're gonna put the cards on table, say, this is what's going on.
You have inflammation here. You have inflammation here. This is what's cooking. You're cooking a thyroid issue. You have the potential for Alzheimer's. We have to get on top of that. And then they're going to break it down for you and say, this is where I think we need to focus. Let's focus on nutritional.
Let's put the supplements for here, right? So they will create that plan for you. And so I, so I start there using conventional lab work for. For blood, but I don't order the conventional panels and I do saliva and I start with nutrition and supplements. I like to clear the weeds before we plant the trees.
90% of the patients get better this way. Yeah, yeah. Or the 10% who are either only get so far or don't get far enough. Those are the people who need the specialized testing. Those are the people that will go for mold testing, the hormone testing and the Lyme testing. But you don't start there. Yeah. Those are your resistant cases.
Yeah. So start like, just like you said, start top down, start conventional. Yep. Find functional and then let them guide the way to what test you need. And try not to go to someone who only specializes in one thing. Like, unless you already know you have lime, but like, don't go to someone with, for. Because you're generally like, not feeling good because they're gonna have that lime lens on, right?
Yeah. You wanna go someone who can kind of like clear the, we help figure it out for you? Yeah. Yeah. Where, okay, so
[00:26:03] Natalie: where are you located?
[00:26:06] Dr. Efrat: So I'm in, in case you couldn't tell by my accent, Staten island, New York. okay. I pronounce my R for you on that one. and, um, but I see my patients all over the country and actually now in different countries.
Great. So like we could do things virtually and, um, it's, it's just been wonderful to be able to help people across the globe. Well, it's changed
[00:26:28] Natalie: everything, being able to be virtual like this, and you know, my career changed because of it, yours too. Yeah. So for people who are looking for the help, they can find you virtually, or if they're just looking like I need functional medicine, I'm hearing you.
Yeah. I believe what you're saying.
Is there a resource you would send them to, to get this type of help? Besides yourself. So ,
[00:26:49] Dr. Efrat: I mean, you can't help everybody. No, absolutely. Cause it's really about spreading information. If they come to me, that's great. But it's about getting people better. It's this is my calling, so where I I'm, it doesn't have to be me.
Um, so honestly, Google functional medicine docs near me. That's where I go. Because there, there is a place called Institute of functional medicine and some people are certified and you can get, people are certified in it, but there are so many functional medicine provider. That aren't certified by IFM. So you're losing out and maybe they're not living in your geographic area and there might be a phenomenal functional medicine provider near you.
So just Google that, um, and just, you know, see what there are some of us specialize, like some of them will be like, I'm the thyroid person or I'm the hormone person. And that that's where you're dealing with. Great. Otherwise go to functional medicine. You will find it. They exist. I hope that answered the question.
I absolutely
[00:27:39] Natalie: did. And I love it that you're doing it virtually. So I didn't mean to dismiss that because I, I think you're doing great things in your book too. You're spreading all that good information. Okay. So I don't feel
[00:27:47] Dr. Efrat: dismissed at all. We, okay, good.
[00:27:50] Natalie: We have, uh, covered so much and I, I do want people to follow you because you give so much, that's how I found you so many good tips.
Um, social media at your book, of course, but where can they find you just to get these daily kind of tips? Yeah. Ideas and open their
[00:28:03] Dr. Efrat: eyes to this. I appreciate it. So every platform except for Twitter, cuz I talk too much for Twitter. um, is so it's at the new method and new is spelled with a K because you always knew there was a better way.
so at the new method on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, we have a podcast. Facebook, um, you name it we're there. I. Create content all the time. And, um, if you're not sure if you wanted to work with us, we ha you can have a free consult with someone on my team. You go on any of those platforms. There's a way to reach my team 15 minutes with a live human.
There's no pressure sales. There's no hustle to explain to you what we do if it works for you. Great. And if it doesn't, that's good to, um, we just kind of like roll with the universe. So don't be scared to call us or schedule it because we're not gonna sell you anything that you don't want. That's just not our jam.
Um, So, yeah, I love it. That you don't
[00:28:57] Natalie: have to be there in Staten island. Like you, I, I didn't realize that you did that and that's just a great way to, to help people. So thank you, Dr. E I learned a lot and, uh, I'm gonna be following up with you cuz I'm tired of being tired in the afternoon.
[00:29:11] Dr. Efrat: so sounds great.
All right. It was a pleasure being here. Thank you. And thank you for your listeners for your time. Thank you.