Discover the power of personality typing and how it can help you improve relationships, manage stress, and achieve personal growth.
Tune in to another enlightening episode of the Natalie Tysdal Podcast!
In this episode, Natalie is joined by Candice Thomas, an expert in personality types, to dive deep into understanding emotions and personality types. Candice shares valuable insights on how people often struggle to identify their feelings and highlights the importance of tools like emotion charts to articulate them better.
Key Takeaways:
Navigating Struggles for Growth: The conversation touches on the necessity of struggles for personal growth, especially for children. Candice emphasizes that while life naturally presents its challenges, trauma isn't necessary for learning crucial life lessons.
Self-Awareness and Change: Both Natalie and Candice agree that self-awareness is essential for personal change. Candice discusses how individuals can change their "factory settings" by making conscious decisions.
Improved Communication Techniques: Candice introduces practical approaches like focusing on the heart to quiet the mental chatter from the ego and making more positive choices guided by intuition.
The Sway Technique: Candice explains "the sway," a technique to manage stress and racing thoughts by gently swaying the body while focusing on the chest. Practicing this can prepare individuals to handle stress better during challenging times.
Handling Relationships with Difficult People: The discussion includes strategies for dealing with people who lack self-awareness. Candice emphasizes acceptance, understanding others' journeys, and approaching interactions with curiosity and without judgment.
Understanding Personality Types: Insights into different personality types.
Enneagram Unpacked: Candice critiques traditional Enneagram teachings and presents her approach, which focuses on moving from a "shadow side" to a "high side" of each type. She outlines several types.
Candice's teachings highlight that while personality traits are deeply ingrained, understanding these can lead to better self-control and less life dictated by unconscious patterns.
Take the free quiz at yourvitalitypersonality.com
Check out Candice's book "Your Vitality Personality" (link https://amzn.to/48kQoYD)
Join Natalie and Candice for this insightful conversation that promises to equip you with practical tools and profound wisdom to navigate your personal journey towards self-awareness and better relationships.
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